Here is a list of the basic keyboard commands for Aion. Not much different from other MMORPGS.
W Move Forward
S Move Back
A Move Left
D Move Right
Q The view turn Left
E The view turn Right
PageUp Open the wings
PageDown Hold the wings
R Rise when flying
F Lower when flying
(period) . Walk / Run
NumLock Auto run
P Character window
K Skill window
I Inventory window
Y Personal Shop
J Quest window
M Map window
O System option
G Guild window
L Alliance request
H 1:1 Help
V Search friend
X Peace Mode / Attack Mode
Esc Cancel
Print Screen – Take a screenshot
Tab Choose the nearest enemy
C Normal attack at the target
T Select a user previously whispered
B Soul Attack On / Off
Space Jump
1 ~ = Using skills in the skill slots
Ctrl + 1~= Using skills in the first expanded skill slots
Alt + 1~= Using skills in the second expanded skill slots
, Sit / Stand
F1 Choose yourself
F2 ~ F6 Choose other team members
F7 Choose the nearby player of your side
F8 Choose the players in an area
F10 Main Menu
F12 Hide / Display all windows
Shift + F12 Hide / Display other players
Shift + ~ Hide/ Display chatting area
Shift + T Trade with the target
Shift + Z Switch the weapon
/ + Name Whisper
/W + Name Whisper
/S Normal chatting
/Y Scream function
/T Select a user previously whispered
/P Team chatting
/G Guild chatting
/PP Keep the team chatting channel
/GG Keep the guild chatting channel
/friend + Name Invite a friend
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