Tuesday, November 8, 2011

AIon AP farming

I have been testing this out trying to find a way to farm some nice AP. I dont know what you call nice. I have 2 accounts, if you take as many alts into a rift to an easy to get to but hidden location and log them all out in the same spot. Then get on your other account/ faction and take a character over there. ( I am using all lvl 20-30 chars) Log in on a character kisk... have your AP farmer kill him 5 times. once a minute. ONLY 5 times. then log out and back in on another toon.

repeat until all chars are killed 5 times. that will get you at lvl 20 500-700 AP per toon. I use 3 toons right now. so 5minutes get 1500-2100AP. log all your alts off get back on your main for 4 hours or so and bam so it again.

I am going to test later if you can wait an hour, but at the moment because of testing 6 kills My toon is not able to get AP lol.

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