Monday, January 28, 2013

[4.0] Steel Rose [Steel Rake revamp]

- Steel Rose (Steel Rake Revamp)

Here comes a new instance in 4.0 for players Lv 61+! Avaible in Solo and Group (3 members) versions!

The entrance is located in South of Katalam. The instance is divided in 3 parts: Dock, Cabin and Deck and you can play Solo or in Group, you choose.

Reasons to run it:New skills books for players Lv 64Steel Rose Edie
Other infos
Instances Size Admission NPC Re-entry time Lv
Dock 1 (solo) or 3 (group) Yucca Rong Resets at 9am (solo and group time-sharing) 61+
Cabin 1 (solo) or 3 (group) Kiko Deng Resets at 9am (solo and group time-sharing) 61+
Deck 3 (Group Only) Sat Churang Resets at 9am 61+

- Items

When doing in group you can get Steel Rose Pirate Set, when in solo mode you can get the Steel Rose Sailor Set.

The Edies drop in both modes, solo and group

Have another unique items also, like Souvenirs

- Curiosities

Some Shulacks appear using a robotic armor… for me seems like a preview of the new class with no infos released so far.

- Images





Infos gathered and translated from Aion Korea Powerbook.

note: The Aion Korea page lack of informations about this instance (-__-)”
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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Aion patch 4.0 Artist: Class info

Yoohoo!! Here I’m… again! Now bringing some informations about the Artist and the secondary class Troubadour (Bard*).

Be aware: It’s a fan made translation, feel free to report any error.

- Artist
From all the classes in game, you will start as an primary class called Artist, when you reach level 9 and do the Ascension Quest from Pernos/Munin, you will automatically change to Troubadour.
Basic Stats ATK 95 / VIT 95 / HIT 100 / AGI 100 / WISDOM 100 / WILL 100
Primary Weapon Stringed Instruments
Basic Armor Cloth
Sub Class Troubadour

- Game Style
Has a stable fighting style, having good ranged magical attacks and at the same time recovery skills.

The delay skill is a little high, but can use the skill Sound of the Breeze I*, this skill has fast casting time (1s) and cool down (2s), causing 56 of wind damage

If in danger, the Artist can hypnotize and use Vast March*,putting the enemies to dance! Is like the Fear of Spiritmaster, put 6 enemies, in a range of 4m arround the caster, to Sleep for 5s, increased the enemy defense at same time. If you curious, it’s that Penguin dance…

The Artist also learn a skill called Variation of Battle*, its… uhm… I forgot the name… is a charge skill*…. that skills you can charge up to 3 times to increase the effect. If charged 3 times, this skill cause 239 of fire damage in a single enemy.

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Patch 4: Hall of Knowledge Pathway

  • The scores of the monster are shown above its head.
  • Avoid the monsters with low scores and continue your adventure throughout the dungeon to get higher scores.
Random Placement
  • Treasure box are randomly placed and located where monsters are at.
  • Acquire the hidden treasure box and it will give you additional scores.
Rank Determined
  • At the end of the dungeon in zone 4 (as shown above on map) after killing the officer you will obtain your rank depending on your score obtained and time consuming.
  • If you acquire a S rank the hidden named monster will appear.

Zone 1: Rune Library

Rune Library is a place where you can get many points.

Zone 1 consists of three layers.

Under Lvl/Middle Lvl/Upper Lvl are composed of three layers. On the under lvl and middle lvl earn as many points as you can. Starting point connects with the upper level and under level by gliding back to the upper level.

Throughout the pathway you will find numerous of runes.

Range attacks can break the artifact in the under lvl.

Stairs are destroyed so jumping is necessary.

If you unintentionally fall down use the gliding spot.

Zone 2: Destroy the passage into the underground sewers

Zone 2 will lead you to the destroy pathway underground sewers. Jumping across the debris is important acquire the jail key in the required three zones. Additional points can be obtained from the hidden room.

Destruction of the aisle

Is a passage on the second floor that was destroyed. Destroy the large amount of monsters on the first floor and descend into the underground sewers. Jump over the broken debris to climb over to the second floor. You can get higher scores in the second floor by killing monsters and obtaining structures in each room.

Into the underground sewers

Five rooms are based on long passages. Get scores in each room for killing monsters, kill the guards to get treasure chest key and open them. Glide or jump fast because if you touch the contaminated floor your movement speed will slow down.

*Note, there is a hidden room passage through the underground sewers so you can acquire additional scores.

Jump over the destroy debris you can obtain higher scores on the second floor.

Kill monsters and acquire the runes to get points in the room.

In the corner there is a hole to the underground sewer.

In the underground room there are 3 monsters with the same score.

Stepping on the contaminated floor will slow down your movement.

Zone 3: Prison Doors

Zone 3 has eight prison doors inside them you will find experimental monsters that will each give you 2010 points. Jail keys are necessary to open the prison doors you can find them in Zone 1&2&3. The “researchers” and the “cross-heads” (285 points) are the ones that drop the keys.

8 prison doors

Key points to one per 2010 available!

Press the “Tab”key so you can find the monsters.

Zone 4: Forgotten Valley
In zone 4 you will find three barricades blocking your way the safe way to cross over is to glide as the picture below shows, there is no need in destroying them because it will take you extra time.

Glide down to pass the barricades.

Officer 3051 point will determined your rank

From this point down glide.

Pass the barricades.

At the end of zone 4, you will find 2 monsters 285 points and 3051 points kill the 3051 and you will obtained your rank and time determined.

Zone 5: S Rank Hidden Named Monster

Rune Research Journal.

In order to progress in the quest you need to move to the underground Katalam and enter the instance in the last chamber you will find the research journal.

S rank hidden named monster can appear.
Info gathered from Play NC
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Thursday, January 17, 2013

hello here it is as i promised the thread for release's of Roi Bot!

First public Release > RoiBot Public Release v4

+ Auto Rest
+ Auto Potions
+ Smooth Combat
+ Auto Loot
- Waypoints * next release
- Radar * next release
-- Gathering ( will be testable for beta testers but will only be available fully to vip )
-- Auto Sell/Repair ( same as gathering)

this bot will stay-up-to-date and will have many more releases in the next coming week. RoiBot is a frame work for our bots/hacks atm we support Aion/Wow/Raiderz.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Patch 4.0 Wallpapers

HELLO! Check bellow the new wallpapers of the new classes released in Aion KR site!


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New Instance: Lunadium

This instance is located in the underground of Katalam, its located at 12 o’clock of the map. If you are really lucky, you could get mythical grade weapons and armor.
Located at the 12 o´clock of the map, you need to complete a quest to enter.
Reset time is Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 9am.
How to get there
You need to get special items that can be bought from an NPC and drops from monsters, after you get them, you need to deliver it to the NPC that has a quest to enter the instance.
Go to Underground Katalam and move to the 12 o’clock position, but be carefull, because this is a PVP area.

Entrance to the instance, underground of Katalam

Entrance Mode Selection

Structure of the Instance

The instance has wide open spaces and a few pillars, normal and named monsters will appear inside.


Once you defeat this instance, you will get a treasure chest, containing various items, If you are really lucky, you can get the mythical grade weapon/armor that is best for each class

Upon Defeating the instance, the exit will appear and a chest will spawn

There is a chance to get mythical gear

Soon we will post information about the weapon and gear that drops from this instance, so come back and read this post again ^_^

Source: Plaync
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