Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Power of the Plumes

The Plume is a powerful accessory and you can now take it to the next level by purifying it into the Pure Plume! With Tempering Solutions, temper your Plume with ease, as the Plume no longer is destroyed when the temper fails. When you reach +10, purify your Plume to the all-new Pure Plume to unlock additional stats and bonuses.

During this promotion, we will be offering rewards to any strong-willed Daeva who push the limits of their Pure Plume’s power. Any Pure Plumes tempered to +5 or higher from August 24, 2016 until September 14, 2016 will be eligible for the Power of the Plumes rewards.

- Rewards -

Players will be awarded the following for tempering their Pure Plumes:

Tempering Level



Anniversary Consumable Box
50 Luna


Anniversary Consumable Box
100 Luna


Anniversary Consumable Box
150 Luna


Anniversary Consumable Box

150 Luna

Purified Daevanion Protector's Glove Box

Purified Daevanion Protector's Shoulder Box


Anniversary Consumable Box

150 Luna

Purified Daevanion Protector's Glove Box

Purified Daevanion Protector's Shoulder Box

Purified Daevanion Protector's Shoe Box

Purified Daevanion Protector's Legs Box

Purified Daevanion Protector's Pants Box

Purified Daevanion Protector's Chest Box


Anniversary Consumables Box

150 Luna

Purified Daevanion Protector's Weapon Box

Purified Daevanion Protector's Shoe Box

Purified Daevanion Protector's Glove Box

Purified Daevanion Protector's Shoulder Box

Purified Daevanion Protector's Pants Box

Purified Daevanion Protector's Chest Box

- Eligibility -

Only Pure Plumes tempered during the event period will qualify for the rewards. Normal plumes are not eligible.

Players must have a qualifying Pure Plume equipped on their character or in their inventory during our September 14, 2016 maintenance in order to qualify for the rewards.

Players with multiple qualifying Pure Plumes are eligible to receive rewards for each Pure Plume.

For a limited time, Tempering Solutions can be purchased in the in-game shop or web store. The Power of the Plumes promotion ends on September 14, 2016. Rewards will be delivered by in-game mail on September 28, 2016.

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