Thursday, May 26, 2016

Aion's Character Classes - Warrior

As in any MMORPG, in Aion, the character class one picks will define his/her role in the game as well as the way he/she will interact with the game world, using a set of class-specific abilities. Needless to say, picking the class which suits one's play-style will define the game experience itself, so it's important to make the right choice from the get-go. There are four character classes in Aion online, the name of each of them rather descriptive as to what the given class entails: Warrior, Priest, Scout and Mage. Each of these classes features two subclasses. Having reached level 10, each player will have to opt for one of these sub-classes.

The Warrior class for instance branches out into the Gladiator and the Templar. The Gladiators are obviously the melee tanks of the game. They are versed in a variety of weapons like swords and their development is focused on skills which go with these weapons of theirs. Basic Sword and Mace-training are some of their most important skills, but they can bring other close-range weapon skills to bear as well, like the Severe Strike, which is all about inflicting extra physical damage on the target. They can heal themselves too, and they can defend with Shield and even counterattack. The Shouting skill increases physical attack, as does the Boost Physical Attack skill. In order to be able to use shields, various weapons and armor, other skills need to be learned along the way. The bottom line is that if getting in close and personal with your enemies (or rather: would-be victims) is your style, the Gladiator is definitely the right subclass for you.

According to most players, the Gladiator is the easiest class in the game, not only when it comes to handing out massive amounts of damage, but leveling-wise as well. Some have complained however that at maximum level, the Gladiator loses a lot of value as people are mainly looking for Templars to tank.

Therefore, the bottom line is that when it comes to instances, tanking will obviously always be the warrior's job, but at the high levels, Templars are much more sought-after and obviously much more effective than the ubiquitous Gladiators, who are always present in great numbers. One of the reasons why Templars are preferred to Gladiators is their ability to agro control groups of mobs, something that the Gladiator class was apparently never designed to do. On the downside, the Templar will require much more gear than a Gladiator to be competitive with Sorcs/sm.

The bottom line: while easier to level and more rewarding to play early on, the Gladiator loses out to the Templar in late-game.

Philip Thalberg has covered The International 2015 at, the world's top eSports news destination.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Coming Soon - Aion: Echoes of Eternity


Aion 5.0 update is on its way! Travel back to the Tower of Eternity in our next game expansion, Echoes of Eternity. In this new journey, we begin to recover lost memories from the Cataclysm and discover a truth that will forever change the destiny of Atreia.

As a Daeva, you will soon be able to experience:
Increased maximum level: Become an Archdaeva and progress to level 75!
New instance: Archives of Eternity. Enter the Tower of Eternity for the first time!
New zones: Norsvold and Iluma, two ancient areas locked in time at the base of the tower!
... and more.

Coming soon to Atreia, Echoes of Eternity. Keep your eye on the website for more details in the coming days and weeks.
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Weekly Server Maintenance - May 25, 2016, 6:00 AM Central

There will be an scheduled maintenance period tomorrow, Wednesday, May 25, 2016 from 6:00 AM to 9:30 AM Central Time. The game servers will be unavailable for approximately 3.5 hours.

- Changes -
  1. Routine website and server maintenance.
  2. All Dolled Up Event will continue for one more week.
  3. 1 NCoin Ailu transformation candies sale is available for one more week.

Be sure to follow @L2andAionOps for server updates. Thank you for your patience!
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Thursday, May 19, 2016

1 NCoin Ailu Candies

Until June 1, 2016 pick up Ailu transformation candies for 1 NCoin, discounted from 48 NCoin. Take on Beritra or fly in the Abyss as an empowered Ailu!

Follow this link to the candy isle.
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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

All Dolled Up Event

The Nesting Doll Brothers have made a stop in Atreia to share with Daevas their culture and customs of nesting dolls. These mysterious nesting dolls can be opened to reveal another nesting doll! With a little luck, keep opening these nesting dolls for a prize!

Part One: First Nesting Doll Brother (Level 30+)
In the capital cities, talk to the First Nesting Doll Brother daily for (2) +1 Nesting Dolls. You can also get one Nesting Doll per hour while you are logged in for up to three Dolls earned this way. Open each Nesting Doll to reveal another Nesting Doll. At +10, opening the Nesting Doll will reveal an[Event] Magic Paint and [Event] White Nesting Doll. Combine it to create a [Event] Magic Nesting Doll.

If the Nesting Doll fails to reveal the next doll at any point before +10, random prizes will automatically be redeemed into your inventory including a [Event] Broken Nesting Doll.

Part Two: Second Nesting Doll Brother
If you collect 10 [Event] Broken Nesting Doll pieces, Second Nesting Doll Brother will be more than happy to trade your broken pieces for (1) +1 Nesting Doll. [Event] Broken Nesting Doll can only be acquired when your Nesting Doll explodes before +10.

Part Three: Youngest Nesting Doll Brother
The Youngest Nesting Doll Brother still has a lot to learn from his three older brothers so in the meantime, he offers an [Event] Youngest Nesting Doll's Bundle for interested Daevas. You can pick up this bundle daily. Open the bundle to receive (1) [Event] Dye Bundle and (1) random buff scroll. Various types of buff scrolls can be acquired.

+1 Nesting Dolls can also drop from defeating bosses in these instances:

Nochsana Training Camp
Udas Temple
Alquimia Research Center
Aetherogenetics Lab
Aturam Sky Fortress
Anguished Dragon Lord's Refuge
Beshmundir Temple
Carpus Isle Storeroom
Danuar Reliquary
Danuar Sanctuary
Dragon Lord's Refuge
Drakenspire Depths
Illuminary Obelisk
Hamate Isle Storeroom
Indratu Fortress
Infernal Danuar Reliquary
Linkgate Foundry
Infinity Shard
Kromede's Trial
Infernal Illuminary Obelisk
Lower Udas Temple
Padmarashka's Cave
Occupied Rentus Base
Raksang Ruins
Ophidan Bridge
Rentus Base
Sauro Supply Base
Sealed Danuar Mysticarium
Steel Rake Cabin
Seized Danuar Sanctuary
Taloc's Hollow
Tiamat Stronghold
The Eternal Bastion

- Rewards -
Please follow this link to the forums for the complete rewards list.

The Nesting Doll Brothers are only here until June 1, 2016. Collect your dolls and reveal the rewards hidden within them!
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Weekly Server Maintenance - May 18, 2016, 6:00 AM Central

There will be an scheduled maintenance period tomorrow, Wednesday, May 18, 2016 from 6:00 AM to 9:30 AM Central Time. The game servers will be unavailable for approximately 3.5 hours.

- Changes -
  1. Routine website and server maintenance.
  2. Wishing Fountain event will end. Please use your Aether Blooms.
  3. Power Lockboxes will no longer drop in game.
  4. The Fortune Lockbox will drop in game. The key is available from the Key Pouch on the store.
  5. A new event will start. Details will be available after the maintenance.

Additionally, website login, new account creation, NCoin purchases, and store purchases will be unavailable until 11:30 AM.

Be sure to follow @L2andAionOps for server updates. Thank you for your patience!
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Monday, May 16, 2016

How Beginner-friendly is Aion Online?

Most people playing Aion online will agree that the game is a wonderfully put-together IP, with great design and - though the engine powering its graphics may be somewhat dated - superb sights down the line, when higher levels are reached. The problem is however that regardless of the great content the title offers and of the depth of its PvP scene, beginners will find it difficult to grow to like it, especially those who are impatient with games that can be rather easily mistaken for a generic F2P MMO clone which barely warrants a second glance. This is what I took away from a "first impression" video I watched the other day, in which the person putting the game to the test, came to the conclusion that it was poorly designed, ugly, with blocky and unrewarding combat and that it was simply not worth playing. That makes it obvious that the title is not putting up a decent-enough front to attract new players, or at the very least, it is missing out on many potential new players because of how it presents itself to beginners. Also, as an alternative to this game, find even more exciting games at non Gamstop casinos by gambling expert Harry Evans.

To try to somewhat alleviate that problem, I've come up with a few guidelines that are likely to address some of the problems new players my find especially irksome.

The fact that flying time is limited in the game is one of the oft-decried sensitive points of Aion Online. There is however a rather solid reason why this is the case: the game is very PvP-focused, and since draining the flying time of one's opponent in combat is possible, limited flying time is in fact one of the strategic aspects of PvP, which lends it further depth.

Having to walk back and forth between various quest-appointed destinations can be massively annoying indeed, especially if one is forced to do it in slow-motion. In Aion Online there are flypoints in every one of the bigger settlements, so there is in fact a legit workaround when it comes to covering large distances in the game.

Resurrection is another major problem for beginners, at least for those who do not know that the soul-system of the game allows them to tie their souls to different stones which are present in all the major quest-hubs, so this way they do indeed have control over where they will resurrect following their latest ill-concluded caper.

The limited size of the inventory is indeed one of the shallowest beginner-problems of the game. In the very first city, the inventory can be significantly expanded, and later on, it can be expanded more, so towards the end-game, one will have more than 600 inventory slots at his/her disposal.

The way quests show up on the map may not be the most intuitive, but certainly, there's a way to have exactly the quest you're interested in show up on your map. Checking quests will activate them, and active quests will show up, together with every notice that concerns them.

Hopefully, that answers some of the issues beginners may have with Aion Online. It is - at the end of the day - a very far cry from a generic F2P clone. It is a vibrant world, featuring a deep combat system and a PvP-heavy nature some MMO fans will certainly appreciate.

Philip Thalberg is an e-Sport maniac and a Gosuteam member since 2004.
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Thursday, May 12, 2016

AION: Tips, Hints, and More for New Players!

Welcome to Atreia, a world ravaged by a celestial calamity and torn apart by war. As an Elyos or Asmodian, you are tasked with defending your world from all enemies and ensuring the triumph of your people in the ongoing struggle.

Below are some suggestions to help you get the most out of your time in Atreia.

Choose Asmodian: the Asmodian Initiative

There are two races to chose from and going Asmodian on the server Tiamat or Israphel will net you additional gear and items to help you along your journey in Atreia. Follow the link to read up on the Asmodian Initiative.

Get Started : The Player’s Guide

Confused? Don’t know where to level? The Player’s Guide can help! Here, you’ll find advice for players of all level ranges. Covering the basics like inventory management and using skills, and more advanced topics like Ascension, choosing a secondary class, and where to get the best gear, the Player’s Guide will help speed you on your way through Atreia.

Get Free Stuff: The Atreian Passport

Once you log into the game, before you do anything else, access your Atreian Passport and claim your free Daily Gift! This new feature gives you free stuff just for logging in! You can read more about it here.

Get More XP: The Fast Track Server

The best way for players to level quickly is the Fast-Track Server. From levels 1 to 50, the fast track server provides a 200% XP boost, so you’ll be able to level twice as fast by simply being on it! Additionally, it is a safe zone from PVP combat, so you’ll be free to concentrate on maximizing your XP. You can stay on the Fast-Track Server until you hit level 56. Once reaching level 56, you will return to the Standard Server and resume your gameplay on our home server. By then you’ll have all the tools you need to be a powerful opponent to those who would challenge you!

Information on accessing the Fast -Track Server can be found in our Player's Guide. You can also switch back to your regular server at any time.

Get Style: The Black Cloud Marketplace

The Black Cloud Marketplace is your source for unique items that can help you level faster, fight better, or just help you add some personal style to your gameplay. Aion is Truly Free™, which means that you can do everything in the game without paying a penny—get to max level, gear up, participate in PVP and PVE content—it’s all free. But we do have a selection of items to help improve your Daeva’s quality of life. Available both via web and through the in-game icon, the Black Cloud Marketplace lets players shop for items that will help them get the most out of their game. It’s all up to you as to what you buy. Like that shiny new mount? Go for it! Want to change your wings? You can do that too!

And we’ve created a special section of Novice Discounts just for new players, with promotional prices on some great items available for players starting at level 10.


To shop at the Black Cloud Marketplace, you’ll need NCoin, which is our in-game currency. You can read more about it here. To purchase NCoin, simply visit the NCSOFT Store.

Visit us on the forums for any additional inquiries or answers our community may have!
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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Weekly Server Maintenance - May 11, 2016, 6:00 AM Central

There will be an scheduled maintenance period tomorrow, Wednesday, May 11, 2016 from 6:00 AM to 10:30 AM Central Time. The game servers will be unavailable for approximately 4.5 hours.

- Changes -
Routine website and server maintenance.
Wishing Fountain event continues for one more week.
Website login, new account creation, NCoin purchases and store purchases will be unavailable.
Rewards for the Unbound Enchantment promotion will be delivered by end of day May 11.

Be sure to follow @L2andAionOps for server updates. Thank you for your patience!
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Thursday, May 5, 2016

Wishing Fountain Returns

Once again, a realm like ours is linked by the power of Aether. When the two realms meet, it causes Aether Blooms to sprout in our world. Collect these Blooms and throw them into the Shimmering Fountain to receive an event prize bundle. Prizes include [Event] Brilliant Composite Manastone Bundle, Tiamat's Glimmering Wings, all-new Flower Petal Dress, and more.

- How to Participate -

Part One: Collecting Aether Blooms
Every day during the event, you can speak to NPC Fountess Lilly for a daily [Event] Aether Bloom. At the same time, for every 30 minutes you are online, a Bloom will automatically be inserted into your account. Up to four per day can be collected this way. For those with a Prestige Pass, you will get an additional Bloom every 15 minutes you are online for a total of 8 to be collected this way daily.

You can collect additional Aether Blooms from picking them by rifting into Enshar or Cygnea. Asmodians can pick the Ruby Aether Blossom in Cygnea, and Elyos can pick the Yellow Aether Blossom in Enshar. The Pure Aether Blossom in Levinshor are available to both factions in Levinshor.

If you need even more Aether Blooms, the boss from certain instances will drop an [Event] Aether Bloom Bouquet that offers one to three Aether Blooms. Follow this link to the forums for the complete list.

For those who enjoy some PVP, collect the PVP quests from Fountess Lolly. They will reward you with even more Aether Blooms for defeating members of the opposing faction.

Part Two: Wishing in the Shimmering Fountain

Once you acquire an Aether Bloom, throw it into the Shimmering Fountain. In return you will either get a Fountain Gift, Blooming Gift, or an Aether Wilt. The Aether Wilt is a junk item.

- Location -

Event NPCs and the Shimmering Fountain is located in Pandaemonium for Asmodians and Sanctum for Elyos.

- Reward -

Opening an [Event] Fountain Gift will randomly reward you with one of the following:

*Ceramium Medal (x2)

*Saam King's Herbs

*[Event] Nutritional Rice

*Unknown Petal

*[Event] Premium Recovery Serum

*Conqueror's Mark (x5)

*[Event] Lucky Scroll Bundle

*Blood Mark (x5)

*[Event] Brilliant Composite Manastone Box

*Blood Medal (x5)

*L. Greater Supplements Bag (Eternal)

*Tombstone of Revival

*L. Greater Supplements Bag (Mythic)

*Greenwood Visor

*Major Ancient Crown

*Crown of Daisies

*Omega Enchantment Stone

*Tempering Solution

*Empyrean Plume Chest

Opening a [Event] Blooming Gift will randomly reward you with one of the following:

*Tiamat's Glimmering Wings

*Illusion Godstone Bundle

*Assured Greater Felicitous Socketing Box (Mythic)

*Omega Enchantment Stone

*Assured Greater Felicitous Socketing Box (Eternal)

*Stigma Sack

*L. Greater Supplements Bag (Eternal)

*Major Ancient Crown

*L. Greater Supplements Bag (Mythic)

*Ceramium Medal (x2)

*Greater Running Scroll (1 hour) (x30)

*Conqueror's Mark (x10)

*Greater Awakening Scroll (1 hour) (x30)

*Blood Mark (x10)

*Greater Courage Scroll (1 hour) (x30)

*Blood Medal (x10)

*Elite Composite Manastone Chest

*Greenwood Outfit

*Shining Ancient Manastone Bundle

*Flower Petal Dress

*[Event] Manastone Bundle

There is also a chance to also get an [Event] Split Bloom in addition to one of the rewards from the Gifts. Combine the Split Bloom with the [Event] Bonding Powder available on the store to make a Blooming Gift. That's double the rewards!

The connection between the two worlds ends May 18, 2016. Collect your Aether Blooms and make a wish in the Shimmering Fountain!
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Monday, May 2, 2016

Weekly Server Maintenance - May 3, 2016, 6:00 AM Central

There will be an scheduled maintenance period tomorrow, Tuesday, May 3, 2016 from 6:00 AM to 11:00 AM Central Time. The game servers will be unavailable for approximately 5 hours.

- Changes -
Routine website and server maintenance.

Additionally, website login, new account creation, NCoin purchases, and store purchases will be unavailable until 12:30 PM.

Be sure to follow @L2andAionOps for server updates. Thank you for your patience!
Read rest of entry

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