Event Duration: 2/10 – 2/24
A towering pile of chocolate candies has appeared in Inggison and Gelkmaros, and while nobody seems to quite know why, one thing is certain: it is getting bigger!
Being the savvy Daeva you are, you deduce that there must be a reason why others are building up the spire of sweets’ size, but what could that reason be? Join in the chocolatey fun to find out!
Acquiring Ultimate Chocolate

Slay monsters across Inggison and Gelkmaros, who each have a chance to drop the tasty treats.
Complete Event Lugbug Missions which require you to slay specific monsters across Inggison and Gelkmaros
Just login! Atreia itself will grant candy to Daevas who grace the realm with their presence during this celebration – up to 10 per day!
Using Ultimate Chocolate

Are you now the proud owner of some savory sweets, but not sure what to do next? It’s time to visit candy mountain and contribute to its growth. In Inggison and Gelkmaros, Daevas will find the towering pile of chocolate candy. Those who donate their chocolate to the pile by adding 10 [Event] Ultimate Chocolates will be rewarded with a random quantity of Event Coins. Between 10 and 50 coins can be earned for each turn-in! So, don’t even think about trying to eat that chocolate!
Event Merchant Seasonal Items

The greedy Baron and Baroness Baroca took bonbons bounties and stashed them away as weapon skins! Consequently, the Heartseeker and Pureheart weapons will now be available, as well as the [Event] Wonderland Hat and [Event] Wonderland Outfit.
The Heartseeker weapon set has an all-new Chromablaster skin!
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