Wednesday, December 21, 2022


The Aion Solorius Screenshot Contest is a great opportunity for fans of the popular MMO game Aion to showcase their creativity and talent. The contest, which is being held by the Aion team, allows players to submit their best in-game screenshots for a chance to win some amazing prizes.

To participate in the contest, players simply need to take a screenshot of their favorite moment or location in Aion and submit it through the official contest page. The team will then review all the submissions and choose their favorites to be featured on the Aion website and social media channels.

But what makes this contest so special? For starters, the prizes are top-notch. The grand prize winner will receive a brand new gaming PC, while the runner-up will receive a gaming headset. Other prizes include in-game currency, special items, and even a chance to be featured in the Aion marketing campaigns.

But the rewards don't end there. All participants who submit a screenshot will receive a special in-game title and a special in-game item. This is a great opportunity for players to show off their skills and receive some well-deserved recognition from the Aion team.

So if you're an Aion fan and have always wanted to show off your in-game photography skills, now is your chance. The Aion Solorius Screenshot Contest is open now and will run until December 21st. Head over to the contest page to submit your screenshot and join the fun. Who knows, you could be the grand prize winner and walk away with a brand new gaming PC!

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