Monday, September 23, 2024

A Funny Guide to Aion for People Who Have No Idea What It Is


So, you’ve never heard of Aion, huh? It’s okay. If you’ve dodged the Aion bullet until now, you’re probably wondering if it’s some sort of mystical food delivery app or a new energy drink that promises to make you fly. Close! But no. Aion is actually an MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) that has players soaring through the skies, battling enemies, and arguing over who’s the best healer. It’s a fantasy adventure that has more wings than your average chicken farm. If that sounds bizarre, buckle up, because we're diving into the world of Aion.

What Even Is Aion?

Let’s break it down: Aion is a fantasy MMORPG that was developed by NCSoft and released in 2008. It’s set in a world called Atreia, which, for reasons we’ll get into later, is split in half, like a pizza sliced vertically through the middle. As a player, you pick between two warring factions: the angelic Elyos and the dark, winged Asmodians. Oh, and did I mention that your character can fly? Yep, wings are a major part of Aion's gameplay. It's like that dream where you can fly… except this time, you’re also fighting demons and collecting shiny loot.

The Story (a.k.a. Why Does Everyone Have Wings?)

Before we dive into what you’ll actually be doing in the game, let’s quickly touch on the story. I know, you’re probably thinking, "Just let me hit things with swords!" But bear with me.

Once upon a time, there was a big ol' god-like entity called Aion (hey, that’s the name of the game!) who created the world of Atreia. To protect Atreia from the evil Balaur (giant lizard people who clearly missed out on a skincare routine), Aion created twelve immortal lords to guard the planet. Of course, because this is a video game, things didn’t go as planned. A cataclysm occurred, the planet got split in two, and now the Elyos (the shiny, angelic folks) and the Asmodians (the dark, brooding, gothic types) are locked in an eternal struggle. And somewhere in there, you pop in to save the day—once you’ve figured out how to fly.

What’s an MMORPG, and Why Should I Care?

If you’re completely new to MMORPGs, let me explain: MMORPGs are online games where hundreds or thousands of players exist in the same world at the same time, usually playing as a team, questing, battling monsters, and occasionally insulting each other’s choice of armor in the chat. Think of it like a giant interactive theme park, where instead of waiting in line for a roller coaster, you’re waiting in line to battle a giant demon or trade swords with a stranger named “xX_DarkLord69_Xx.”

In Aion, you create a character, choose a class (more on that later), and embark on a heroic quest filled with danger, adventure, and more winged creatures than you can shake a wand at.

The Factions: Elyos vs. Asmodians

Your first big choice in Aion is deciding whether to join the Elyos or the Asmodians. It’s like choosing between night and day—literally.

  • Elyos: These guys are the pretty, shiny, angelic types who live on the sunny side of Atreia. They’re like the people who always have their life together—flawless hair, glowing skin, and an Instagram feed that looks like a travel magazine. If you want to spend your time in a bright, lovely world full of flowers and fountains, these are your people.

  • Asmodians: On the flip side, the Asmodians are the brooding, nocturnal faction. They live in a darker, colder version of the world, with claws, glowing red eyes, and a vibe that screams "I listen to metal and write poetry about pain." If you’ve ever thought, “I wish I could look like a mix between a bat and a rock star,” then welcome home.

Both factions have wings, but their wings look different (naturally). Elyos wings are feathery and angelic, while Asmodians have dark, almost bat-like wings. And yes, they will come in handy when you're flying around.

Character Classes: Who Do You Want to Be?

Once you’ve picked your faction, it’s time to choose a class. This is like picking your major in college, but with more magical abilities and less student debt.

Here’s a quick rundown of the main classes in Aion:

  • Warrior: If you like big swords and you cannot lie, the Warrior is for you. These guys are all about smashing things up close and personal. You can eventually specialize into a Gladiator (more smashing) or a Templar (smashing, but with defense).

  • Mage: Do you like to keep your distance and throw fireballs at your enemies? Then Mage is your best bet. You’ll eventually become either a Sorcerer (more fireballs) or a Spiritmaster (summoning spirits to do your dirty work).

  • Scout: The Scout is for the player who enjoys sneaking around and stabbing things. You can specialize into an Assassin (stabby, sneaky) or a Ranger (shooty, less sneaky).

  • Priest: Every team needs a healer, right? Priests are the caretakers of Aion, keeping everyone alive while yelling at their teammates to stop standing in fire. You can specialize into a Cleric (pure healer) or a Chanter (healing with some punching on the side).

  • Engineer: A relatively new addition to Aion, Engineers are for those who like explosions and gadgets. You can either become a Gunner (shoot everything) or an Aethertech (shoot everything while inside a giant mech suit).

  • Muse: Love music and want to blend magic with melodies? The Muse class eventually turns into a Songweaver, which is exactly as cool as it sounds—think magical bards with a talent for both support and attacking.

The Flying: Wait, You Can Fly?

Yes, you can fly in Aion, and no, this isn’t a gimmick. At certain points in the game, you'll be able to spread your wings and soar through the skies. Flying in Aion isn’t just for fun—it’s a big part of combat and exploration. Certain areas of the game are designed specifically for aerial battles, where you’ll be slashing at enemies while trying to keep yourself from plummeting to the ground like a really poorly coordinated eagle.

But flying isn’t unlimited. You’ve got a flight timer, so don’t expect to be Peter Pan all day. Eventually, you’ll need to land, recharge, and wonder why wings don’t come with a "hover" function.

PvPvE: What Now?

Aion introduces a unique feature called PvPvE (Player vs. Player vs. Environment). What does this alphabet soup mean? Essentially, while you’re out questing and battling NPC monsters (the "Environment"), you also have to be on the lookout for other players from the opposing faction (Player vs. Player). So, while you’re trying to defeat that giant lizard, another real person might swoop in and stab you in the back just for the fun of it. Charming, right?

PvPvE creates a dynamic and sometimes stressful experience where you’re never quite sure if that player flying above you is going to offer a helping hand or toss you into the nearest pit of doom.

Why People Play Aion (And Why You Should Consider It)

What’s the appeal of Aion? It’s not just the wings—though those are pretty cool. Here are a few reasons people are still flocking to Atreia after all these years:

  • The Visuals: For an MMORPG, Aion is visually stunning. The world is beautifully designed, with lush environments, dynamic skies, and characters that actually look good in armor (a rarity in fantasy games).

  • The Combat: The combat in Aion is fast-paced and skill-based. You can’t just mash buttons and hope for the best. Well, you can, but you won’t last long.

  • The Flying: Did I mention the flying? Yes, I did. But it bears repeating—flying makes everything better.

  • The Community: MMORPGs are nothing without their players. In Aion, you'll find a dedicated community, whether you're looking for intense PvP battles or just some help on a tricky quest.

Should You Try Aion?

If you’ve never played Aion and are intrigued by the idea of winged combat, gorgeous environments, and a world steeped in rich lore, it’s definitely worth a shot. Just be prepared for some frustration as you learn to fly—and possibly a few PvP ambushes when you least expect them.

So, spread your wings, pick your faction, and dive headfirst into the world of Aion. Just remember: always check your flight timer before taking off. No one likes a crash landing!

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